-- As we seek to provide programming
for when the Brooklyn Lyceum (or any interim proxy) returns,
we need to see a LOT
of music, theatre, dance, comedy, etc.
-- To that end, we are accepting invitations
to see such work
to investigate if that work (or that group)
would be a good fit for the Lyceum (or any interim proxy).
-- In addition, we are also open to invitations
to see work for an actual written review
(whether or not there is any intent to present at the Lyceum).
We will post the review online, send it to email and social media, where appropriate.
Apply HERE.
-- If that interests you or your group, pursue that at OOBLE.ORG
--Between now and the time the LYCEUM DUE PROCESS TRAIN gets into the station, we are seeking people to help raise awareness.
--Those who help raise awareness can get curatorial votes they can exercise to influence progaramming at the Brooklyn Lyceum or at any interim proxy location.
--You get votes by reviewing a few lines/dates in a few documents and sending us affidavits stating what you see (no conclusions of law necessary).
--You also get votes by appearing at crucial moments/hearings or by distributing fliers.
--Those votes can be exercised, proxied, transferred ore returned (back to the Lyceum in exchange for Lyceum staff hours for a cause on an expanding list of causes).
--If that is too much work, just cast a few votes about what you think about some simple STUPIDS a few judges have accomplished.
---and gets you voting rights ... in curating ---
what becomes of the Brooklyn Lyceum, or any spiritual interim proxy.
--Lower & Appellate courts penalize Defendant for what Plaintiff withheld from the lower court until convenient.
--Appellate court uses the term "insofar as appealed from" when Defendant raised jurisdiction at oral argument.
or: case, absent Plaintiff seeking default judgment, or any communications with defendants w/in 12 months after their default, is statutorily abandoned, a nullity.
---Six of one (decisions nullities), half dozen of another (case is a nullity)---.
(or any interim proxy)
-- Wherever the Lyceum or any interim proxy goes,
art is sure to be part of the mix.
-- As we seek to exhibit art
at the Brooklyn Lyceum (or any interim proxy),
we need to seek submissions for the exhibits.
-- To that end, we are accepting submission appications now.
- One such exhibit may be in :
- an approximately 1,000 square foot venue
with 25 foot ceilings in New York State. - (location secret till we sign lease)
- We Expect:
- two group exhibitions of 6 weeks each; and,
- one 4 week solo exhibition
Apply HERE.
In the beginning ... a giant, abandoned looking former bathhouse on 4th Avenue in Brooklyn, NY.
Passed it by for about a year, made offer, was accepted ... cobbled together down payment. Closed on purchase December 1994.
After a year or so triaging the internals, opened as a coffee shop (and sometimes theater) using a pretty good local roaster for coffee in our Bunn brewer.
Business boomed as we took deep dive into monster La Marzocco triple headed monster using -Philly's own La Colombe -then Intelligentsia.
Then a hurricane where we ditched the electric double boiler espresso machine beast ---for the ROK --- for a week saving us counter space and electric whilst making excellent espresso.
In the middle ... it got string theory level complicated.
String theory has a whole lotta dimensions, parameters, if you will.
So does espresso ...
--Farm: Type of plant, elevation, sunshine, humidity, seasonal temp ... 5 dimensions
--Roasting: Time, temp, mix of beans, length of roast ... 4 more dimensions.
--Grinding: Time from roast to use, amount, fineness, humidity ... 4 more dimensions.
--Drawing: Tamping, pre-infusion, pressure, time ... 4 more dimensions.
17, seventeen, SEVENTEEN degrees of freedom to get you that espresso for your latte.
Is it any wonder it is a rabbit hole to do at home, even the 8, eight, EIGHT dimensions for Grinding and drawing?
In the end ... we launched SWASLU to get better espresso straight to the consumer, you!
We have drawn thousands of shots on the ROK and find, as an instrument of fine espresso, it makes far better espresso than most cafes or you can make from home for less than a $3,000 investment and a hundred hours, at a minimum, of experimentation and learning.
In the end, if that is your bag, have at it. If not, we can provide you flavor and convenience and variety with minimal labor on your part.
We sell two ounce "double shot" jars of frozen espresso, done individually on the ROK.
>>>>>They are not a commodity and come in at $5 per double shot jar.<<<<<
We have a limited number of member slot discounts which get you a bankable 12 jars a month.
If you don't use the 12 jars, that is, don't order then that month, anything less than 12 is bankable.
Membership is a refundable $100 per $.10 discount on the price.
Returnable on 90 days notice.
For example, a $100 option with get you 12 jars, bankable, per month, @ $4.90 per jar.
Discount maxes out at $2.50 for a $2,500 refundable option.
That saves you $2.50 for 12 jars per month, or $30 for the $2,500 returnable option
We have a limited number of slots as we are restricting it to a number of members we can readily handle @ 12 double shot jars per month.
-- 15 years of a Brooklyn theatre/coffee shop/cafe --
a blackout and the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy
taught us that there is another, better, more ecological,
way to get the most out of your espresso.
-- When the espresso sediment settles,
the new boss may well be different than the old boss.
--Till then we are pulling espresso shots the SwaSlu way, on the muddy road again!
--We make it a point not to be a roaster and will be highlighting a cornucopia of espresso roasts at some home bases, some events, some markets and some fairs.
--Interested in better americanos/lattes than you could ever do at home?
Take a dip into our SWAmp of espresso SLUrry - SWASLU.com
- You can get in on the ground floor of the rebirth of a facility that has welcomed the likes of:
Fiona Apple,
Ted Danson,
Amanda Palmer,
Adrian Grenier,
Yo La Tego,
the Knights Orchestra,
a Charlie Brown Christmas,
rocky: the musical, etc.
--granting motion on no notice,
--finding Oct. 17 comes AFTER Oct. 26, ...
--granting relief not requested,
--refusing to address jurisdictional challenges,
Review a few lines in a few documents, a couple of dates therein, note presence of documents, note absence of a documents in a short record and
--Sign, notarize and send us affidavits. (1 vote):
Per use of affidavit in court filing.
If you pulled espressos, swept floors, worked, booked, produced, designed or performed at the Brooklyn Lyceum, you get a vote bonus based on the Lyceum involvement in the past to be added to the first accepted affidavit as a Due Process Warrior!.
- LYCEUM CREWE = 1 / participatory month.
- RUN PRODUCER ENTITY = 10 / week of run.
- RUN CREATIVE = 2 / week of run.
- RUN CREWE = 1 / week of run
- RUN PERFORMER = 1 / performance
- MARKET/CONVENTION TABLER = 1 / table day (2/day if booth)
- FESTIVAL PRODUCER ENTITY = 20 / festival week
- FESTIVAL CREATIVE = 2 / festival week
- FESTIVAL ENTRY LIVE = 1 / festival performer
- FESTIVAL ENTRY - NOT LIVE = 1 / festival
- PUBLIC EVENT PERFORMER = 1 per each day of performing
- PRIVATE RENTAL = 1 / week
- Monthly On-Line Vote
- OR - Rollover Up to 6 times (months)
- Have a person/organization you want to help?
Use Proxy to give them your vote (for up to a year).
Use Transfer to give them your votes PERMANENTLY.
All garnered votes can be exchanged for:
--1 Hour Lyceum Staffer time per 10 votes exchanged for any of a growing list of approved causes.
(that works out to be one hour of Lyceum time per accepted affidavit & two hours for each appearance.)
--Votes automatically returned to Lyceum if not used for 12 voting cycles (12 months/1 Year)
missing act/event submission, purchase.
When the Lyceum has succeeded in restoring its due process rights, or the Lyceum launches proxy sites whilst the battle is fought...
--Once a month get an email notice of the events/acts/rentals to be voted upon.
--Via online system we are developing to vote. -OR-
--rollover (like phone minutes) votes up to six times.
--(votes unused within 6 "rollovers" are waived).
(judicial "thumb on the scale" (Donald Scott Kurtz) or not).
Overturning Brooklyn Lyceum Foreclosure case is simple (and inevitable). no more judicial places to run to, baby, no more judicial places to hide*. (*=credits to law of unintended consequences and Martha and the Vandellas)
as case was statutorily abandoned
(more than 365 days from last date for defendant to answer to date of 1st motion)
based solely on the Plaintiff provided record that includes ... Plaintiff implying in motion papers (Oct 2009)
--attached to but not referenced by that Notice of Motion and
--swearing in documents sent to judge (but not filed with court) two years later (Nov 2011)
--and admitted to in papers filed (Oct 2012) in response to
--motion to dismiss complaint as abandoned (Oct 2012)
--and admitted to in oral argument (Oct 2012) the court denies occurred
--but that plaintiff admitted occurred in subsequent papers (Dec 2012)
that Defendants had not appeared or responded in any fashion prior to that initial Motion.
to let the Plaintiff
especially given that the Kurtz
used evidence the Plaintiff's
since suspended from the practice of law attorney
withheld in the original motion (Oct 2009)
(but provided to the court
when the motion was challenged (Oct 2012)).
It should be noted
that the years late evidence,
(proof of the Defendants having hired an attorney
who both negotiated an extension of time to answer (April 2008)
& served answers for the Defendants (??? 2009) on the now suspended attorney)
should have caused the judge who has been quoted as saying
“When a case is before me, I try to give it my full attention,” -and-
“Some judges would have just read the papers and signed them,”
to look to see if proper procedure was followed ...
i.e. was an appearing attorney ever served the Notice of Motion &
was that Notice of Motion and all subsequent notices of motions facially sufficient?
(one motion served notice to appear a decade in the past).
when Judge Reinaldo Rivera said
"we will get to the bottom of it"
& "the 2nd department has an excellent reputation"
(thereby altering lower docket to insert a Defendant appearance when there was not one on the record.)
-- failing to correct lower appellate court failure to address jurisictionalarguments raised at oral argument &
-- failing to address jurisdictional arguments raised in response to sua sponte motion by the court.
-- dismissing an appeal PRIOR to addressing jurisdictional arguments.
Ruling threw Plaintiff
into retroactive jurisdictional traps:
-- Plaintiff's admitted failure to serve the Lyceum/Richmond attorney ANY papers.
-- Lower court granting relief not requested in notice of motion.
-- Lower court granting relief not available under statute cited in Notice of Motion.
-- Lower Court granting relief in motion where the referenced supporting documents are not attached/do not exist.
-- Lower Court granting relief in motion noticing parties to appear a DECADE IN THE PAST.
-- Lower Court premising a decision on TWO non-existent sworn statements.
on cases for next papers,
Affidavit about some 5th grader level logic,
when the covid crisis is done,
(case citation and opinions)
--can't figure out which is greater of two numbers or
--can't see that the Plaintiff noticed parties to appear a decade in the past or
--premises decisions on non-existent documents, i
how can you trust those judges with things that are complicated?
Take a look at some crystal clear STUPIDS and tell us what you think of a judge who would do these types of STUPIDS.
We are seeking 100 citations (in any jurisdiction) to support each of the premises that will set the Brooklyn Lyceum free.
If you are first to subit an on point case (even if it contradicts our position), you will earn, if you leave your email address, one Brooklyn Lyceum Curatorial vote.
Review a couple of dates or a couple of lines in some documents or note the absense of a document from a short record and sign an affidavit that you swear to. Just the facts, no conclusions necessary.
Send us the affidavit(s) and, if they are true to form and content, you will earn some Lyceum street cred via curatorial voting rights you can use, transfer or exchange (ten (10) votes for each accepted affidavit and one (1) vote for each use of the affidavit in court papers).
To that end, if you appear at specified junctures, just as an observer, you will get twenty (20) votes.
Lastly, we may need to have fliers distributed at places out and about.
To that end, for each hour of flier distribution, you will get ten (10) votes.
To stop this madness, we endeavor to review all (2018-2020) Appellate Oral Arguments and review papers and decisions to document such malfeasances and outright lies by the Appellate Court.
Judge Donald Scott Kurtz
“Some judges would have just read the papers and signed them,”
Judge Reinaldo Rivera
“we will get to the bottom of this”
“the 2nd department has an excellent reputation”
"we will get to the bottom of it"
"due process is notice and opportunity to be heard"
you have to know what rules you can break
in a topic Kurtz and/or Rivera and/or Rivera and/or Cohen screwed up
(19 topics and counting).
In order to rule against the Brooklyn Lyceum, Judge Reinaldo Rivera found that the Lyceum must lose
because a cross-motion to have the case declared abandoned by Plaintiff inaction came after the entry of the Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale.
The DECISION IS STUPID because it is makes a case the court was REQUIRED, by statute, to dismiss as abandoned by Plaintiff inaction
can become unabandoned by further Plaintiff action combined with the Court's failure to follow the statute.
The DECISION IS FLAT OUT WRONG on the simple, 5th grader math comparison of two dates.
The Cross-Motion (October 19, 2012) came BEFORE, not AFTER the entry of the Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale (October 26, 2012).
Review a line in a short Appellate Decision(Page 3 last Para, lines 2-3#):
"The cross motion was untimely since it was made after entry of the judgment of foreclosure and sale "
Review Motion Clerk date on the Cross-Motion (October 19, 2012) :
Motion Support hand-written date: 10/19/12 AND adjacent datetime stamp of October 22, 2012
Review Date-Time stamp on the Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale (October 26, 2012).
Last Page DateTime Stamp: October 26, 2012
An Affidavit about these STUPIDs we hope you will sign:
Affidavit you saw that the datetime stamp of the Cross-Motion was BEFORE, not AFTER, the Judgment of Foreclosure.
Any 5th Grade fool could see (19<26) Affidavit
--Read up on the judicial shenanigans, become one with the simple logics.
--Fill out one or more of the affidavits.
--Take to a notary and sign the affidavit before the notary.
--Send the Affidavits to:
Eric Richmond
2107 Regent Place
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Once we have unwound the sale of the Lyceum, we will redeem each affidavit accepted (passing review for content and form) by :
--10 votes for each accepted affidavit,
--one vote each time the affidavit is used in a court proceeding,
--20 votes for any appearance at a hearing, and
--5 votes per hour of distributing fliers/cards to spread the word.
You can use the votes to :
--chime in on programming Brooklyn Lyceum cultural events, or
--you can proxy them to some other person/entity for a period of time, or
--you can transfer them permanently to some other person/entity, or
--you can, when you no longer wish to have votes, trade them in for Lyceum staff time for one of a list of causes.